OpenCart ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED is a very serious Error that can be down your website or web pages. Basically, this kind of problem can be come whenever you enable the GZip Compression or mis-configuring the code of enabling or disabling the GZIP compression. This compression is important when you want to increase the page loading speed of your website.

I got this error one of the my client website and i tried everything but not able to figure out how to solve this error. I google about it and tried everything but doesn’t work for me. After few days, i am just exploring the admin panel of client website and found some option that is about server and server errors. I solved the error by changing settings in admin panel and i am here to explain how can you solve this issue just by changing settings from OpenCart admin panel.
Method 1: Disable Compression
This error most likely is a compression error so we’ll play with the compression settings
- Go to OpenCart Admin Dashboard
- Navigate to System > Settings
- Click on Edit button of store
- Goto Server Tab and Look for “Output Compression Level”
- Enter 0 into it
- Now your website is working

OpenCart Admin Panel – Click to View Full Size
Method 2: Disable Error
If you want to keep compression for your website then you can try this method may be it can be solve your problem.
- Go to OpenCart Admin Dashboard
- Navigate to System > Settings
- Click on Edit button of store
- Goto Server Tab and find “Error Handling” section
- Set No for Display Errors
- Check your website
Both methods worked for me, if you are facing problem after trying one of the above method then i will recommend you to try both method and after that check your website. If you are still facing the problem then you can contact me anytime and i will try to solve your issue.